Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Easter cacti (Hatiora gaertneri, H. rosea, and their cross, H. ×graeseri) are true cacti, but they do not live in the desert. Like orchids and bro- meliads, these tropical evergreens are shrubby epiphytes, and in nature they live on tree branches, high in the cool, […]
Thư mục: Kiến thức
Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Super easy and low maintenance, donkey tail (Sedum morganianum) makes a delightfully odd companion because its long, dangling stems really do look like the thick tails of some animals—except that they’re gorgeous, waxy, and blue-green. The stems are clothed in hundreds of small, 0.75-inch-long, fleshy, blue-green, teardrop-shaped […]
Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH This sprawling, succulent, woody shrub hails from Madagascar. So, although its common name is picturesque and accurately describes its densely spiny stems, crown-of-thorns (Euphor- bia milii) was not the plant used in the crucifix- ion of Christ. Crown-of-thorns gets 2 feet tall, at most, indoors […]
Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Mai Nhung ENGLISH Christmas cacti (Schlumbergera russelliana, S.×buckleyi, and S. truncata) are true cacti, like their desert-dwelling cousins, but unlike them they are tropical evergreens. These leafless, spineless, shrubby epiphytes have jointed, flat- tened, leaf-like stems. Each joint of the stem is a flat, 1.5-inch-long pad with soft, […]
Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Most popular varieties of chin cactus (Gym- nocalycium mihanovichii) have an odd appear- ance. They look like a spiny, bright red baseball stuck on top of a green stick. The red balls are natural mutants that have no green chloro- phyll in their tissues. The […]
Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Cereus cactus (Cereus repandus) is generally 2 to 4 feet tall when grown as a houseplant. Its short but sharp spines are borne on columnar blue-green stems. Only large, older specimens will flower, but when they do, it is a show. The flowers are huge, […]
Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii) is the most widely grown houseplant cactus. It is a sculptural plant of great character and beauty, deeply furrowed and strongly ribbed. Dense golden spines on the tops of the ribs are long and straight, sometimes slightly curved, and occa- sionally […]
Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Most of the time when you find a cactus labeled “ball cactus,” it will be one of the 25 or moreParodia species. As youngsters, all ball cacti are indeed round as a ball, but as they age they become columnar. They have deep furrows between raised […]
Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH All the approximately 400 species and hybrids in Aloe are excellent container specimens, with showy, tubular flowers in brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows. But only a few of these desert-dwelling succulents make good house- plants. Of these, A. vera is the most popular. Oth- ers to […]
Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Three of the approximately 450 species of aga- ves, many of them very attractive specimens, are often grown as houseplants. Parry’s agave (Agave parryi), like all its cousins, is an evergreen suc- culent perennial. It has stiff, thick, 12-inch-long steel-blue leaves shaped like broadswords and […]
Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Urn plant (Aechmea fasciata) is a big (2 to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide), bold, extremely attractive bromeliad with an astonishingly bright, shocking pink inflorescence. Its numerous 18 to 36-inch-long, 2-inch-wide, stiff and leathery leaves are silver with gray-green bands. Some cultivars have creamy […]
Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Mai Nhung ENGLISH Tillandsia is a large genus of small, primarily rootless wonders that are grown as house- plants pinned, tied, or glued onto slabs of bark, branches, or driftwood, and then hung on a wall or suspended in mid-air. The exception is pink quill (T. cyanea), which […]