Danh sách các bài viết có Thẻ: Kew

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: Missionary plant

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English FOLIAGE Missionary plant Pilea peperomioides aka Chinese money plant, pancake plant, UFO plant Hugely popular, these gorgeous little plants have lovely, rounded, fleshy leaves, each with a cute, yellow spot near the centre where […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: Cape primrose

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English FLOWERING Cape primrose Streptocarpus hybrids These house plants have a long flowering season, from spring to autumn, and are easy to care for, springing back brilliantly from neglect, even when their leaves are wilting. […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: Mosaic plant

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English FOLIAGE Mosaic plant Fittonia albivenis Verschaffeltii Group aka nerve plant, silver net plant These striking, little ground-cover plants have dark green leaves with each and every vein picked out in white, pink or red. […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: PROJECT 7: WINDOWSILL PROPAGATION

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English PROJECT 7: Windowsill propagation Many house plants can be propagated as leaf cuttings rooted in compost (see here) or in water. Using the latter technique they make a lovely temporary display while rooting. Even plants […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: Staghorn fern

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English FERN Staghorn fern Platycerium bifurcatum aka elkhorn fern, antelope ears Staghorn fern is all a house plant should be: easy to grow, magnificent and wonderfully weird. It has two types of fronds: fuzzy fertile […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: Air plant

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English BROMELIAD Air plant Tillandsia species The ultimate easy-care plant, these delightful little bromeliads need no soil to grow in, hence their name, and they survive on very little water and attention. Air plants come […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: Fairy elephants’ feet

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: N/A English SUCCULENT Fairy elephants’ feet Frithia pulchra aka baby toes, elephant’s baby toe Fairy elephants’ feet is tough, tiny and brilliantly easy to grow. It is a stemless plant producing clusters of erect, modified leaves with […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: Rose grape

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English FLOWERING Rose grape Medinilla magnifica aka pink lantern, Philippines orchid When this truly exceptional plant blooms it stops you in your tracks. The large, heavily veined, deep green leaves are wonderful on their own, […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: Cretan brake fern

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English FERN Cretan brake fern Pteris cretica aka brake fern, ribbon fern, table fern These are elegant, dainty tropical and subtropical ferns with wiry stems and unusual, ribbon-like leaflets that can be plain green – […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: Silver-inch plant

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English FOLIAGE Silver-inch plant Tradescantia zebrina aka spiderwort, wandering Jew The striped, zebra-like pattern on the fleshy leaves has given this attractive plant its common name. The undersides are purple, as are the young leaves, […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: Cape jasmine

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English FLOWERING Cape jasmine Gardenia jasminoides aka common gardenia An evergreen garden shrub in warmer climes, this is a lovely house plant for a living space, where its gorgeously heady scent will fill the room. […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: Swiss cheese plant

Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English FOLIAGE Swiss cheese plant Monstera deliciosa aka fruit salad plant, ceriman With its beautifully holey, heart-shaped leaves and climbing habit, Swiss cheese plant has long been a house plant favourite, although this seventies classic […]
