Danh sách các bài viết có Thẻ: Darryl Cheng

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 02 – Oxalis (cây thuộc chi Me Chua Đất)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Oxalis Purple or green Oxalis triangular is is commonly available around St. Patrick’s Day because of its resemblance to the shamrock or clover (oxalis is sometimes […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 01 – 04. Holistic House-Plant Care (Chăm sóc cây cảnh trong nhà toàn diện)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Holistic House-Plant Care A holistic approach to indoor plant care should focus on giving a plant a suitable environment inside your home, observing the plant to […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 02 – Peace Lily (cây thuộc chi Spathiphyllum)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Peace Lily The peace lily grows in a nice, symmetrical splash of leaves, which makes it an excellent stand-alone plant. At the nursery, peace lilies are […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 01 – 05. Light (Ánh sáng)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Light Misunderstanding light intensity is the cause of most disappointing experiences when it comes to house plants. We have vague expressions that describe the amount of […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 02 – Philodendron Vines (các cây leo thuộc chi Philodendron)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Philodendron Vines Philodendron is the common name used for a group of species that are quite similar; included among the vining philodendrons are Scindapsus pictus, Philodendron […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 01 – 06. Soil (Đất)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Soil Continuing with the theme of holistic house-plant care, we’ll consider soil and watering together as complementary aspects of soil management. In the shorter time frame […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 02 – Pilea (cây thuộc chi Pilea)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Pilea Pilea peperomioides is one of the most desired house plants. As it became popular, commercial growers scrambled to get stock, and individuals with some space […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 01 – 07. Water (Nước)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Water Routine house-plant care revolves around watering. First-time plant parents struggle with simplistic instructions—“pour some water on the soil once a week” or “don’t overwater” are […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 02 – Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Ponytail Palm The most widely available species of the genus Beaucarnea is Beaucarnea recurvata, commonly called ponytail palm, with long leaves that sometimes resemble gently curled […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 01 – 08. Pruning, Propagation, and Repotting (Cắt tỉa, nhân giống và thay chậu)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Pruning, Propagation, and Repotting There are lots of things you can do for your plants under the umbrella of “care.” Here I will explain some useful […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 02 – Pothos (các loại Trầu Bà thuộc chi Epipremnum hoặc Scindapsus)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Pothos Although it is considered invasive in tropical regions, pothos (Epipremnum aureum), like philodendron, deserves a place in any collection of house plants. The variegated varieties […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] New Plant Parent (Darryl Cheng) – Phần 01 – 09. Pests (Sâu bọ gây hại)

Nguồn: [Ebook] New Plant Parent: Develop Your Green Thumb and Care for Your House-Plant Family – Darryl Cheng Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 01/2022) Dịch: Team Codai.net  English Pests When plants are grown at home, they might fall prey to common house-plant pests, because there are no natural predators to control them. Pests are […]
