Danh sách các bài viết có Thẻ: Ni tơ

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Tree ivy (× Fatshedera lizei)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Hạnh Nguyên ENGLISH It’s pretty rare for plants from different genera to cross successfully, but tree ivy is just such an intergeneric hybrid, first created in 1912, at the Lizé Frères tree nursery in Nantes, France. One parent is Japanese aralia and the other is ivy. A shrub […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Rubber tree (Ficus elastica)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Hạnh Nguyên ENGLISH Rubber tree is indeed a tree, and it does in fact produce rubber; however, it is actually a fig, Ficus elastica, and in common with the rest of the species in the banyan group of figs, it readily grows aerial roots from its branches. As […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Hạnh Nguyên ENGLISH Every November markets are flooded with mil- lions of tiny living Christmas trees in 4-inch pots. The trees are sprinkled with glitter, some- times sprayed with green paint, and decorated with ribbons and little glass bulbs. These little seedlings of Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria het- […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: False aralia (Schefflera elegantissima)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Hạnh Nguyên ENGLISH False aralia (Schefflera elegantissima) is tall, upright, and bushy, with very attractive seven- to 11-fingered evergreen palmately compound leaves. The beautiful leaflets are nearly black, knobby, and spidery thin—so thin that false ara- lia is considered a see-through plant, whose lacy foliage is never so […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Croton (Codiaeum variegatum)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Hạnh Nguyên ENGLISH A well-grown croton (Codiaeum variegatum) is a brilliant focal point in any room. It’s an ever- green, or rather ever-colorful, shrub, and many of the hundreds of croton cultivars are choice houseplants. They are well worth the effort to keep them bright and happy. As […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Dragon tree (Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Hạnh Nguyên ENGLISH Dragon tree (Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia) is one of the most popular of all houseplants. It’s beautiful, inexpensive, and widely available, and many people believe it somehow brings good fortune. This easy-to-grow, low-maintenance, shrubby plant looks like a Dr. Seuss tree with crooked stems topped […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Hạnh Nguyên ENGLISH Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is a perennial favorite, among the most common, easy-to-grow, and undemanding of all house- plants. You frequently see it in hanging baskets, but it does just as well in pots on a table or desk. Numerous strap-shaped evergreen leaves, to 18 […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Purple passion plant (Gynura aurantiaca, Gynura procumbens)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Hạnh Nguyên ENGLISH Purple passion plant is a hybrid of two closely related species, Gynura aurantiaca and Gynura procumbens. Velvety soft amethyst-purple hairs cover the new growth and the dark green stems, and when the sun lights them up, this house- plant really stands out. It’s a fast-growing ever- […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Peperomia (Peperomia argyreia, Peperomia caperata, Peperomia obtusifolia)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Hạnh Nguyên ENGLISH Peperomias are well worth growing for their attractive evergreen leaves. They are quietly undemanding, not at all flashy or flamboyant, and because they tolerate a wide range of envi- ronmental conditions, they are easy to keep as houseplants. The most commonly cultivated species are Peperomia […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Lucky bamboo (Dracaena braunii)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Hạnh Nguyên ENGLISH Lucky bamboo (Dracaena braunii) isn’t really a bamboo and it’s a good thing. Real bamboo doesn’t make a good houseplant, whereas lucky bamboo is nearly indestructible inside our homes. It is often found in dimly lit restau- rants, on the front desk of hotel lobbies, even in the […]

Trồng Cỏ Lạc (Arachis pintoi): Đẹp và hữu ích

Cỏ lạc cảnh là loại cây thảm nền xanh mướt quanh năm dễ trồng và chăm sóc, có tác dụng cải tạo đất đem lại không gian đẹp. Cỏ đậu phộng hay còn gọi là lạc dại, cỏ đậu, lạc tiên, cỏ đậu phộng, đậu phộng cảnh với tên khoa học là Arachis pintoi thuộc […]

Dấu hiệu nhận biết Hoa Hồng đang bị thiếu dinh dưỡng, cách khắc phục

Hoa Hồng luôn là loài hoa đòi hỏi nhiều công chăm bón. Nếu bạn chỉ mới bắt đầu tập trồng Hoa Hồng có thể bạn sẽ bối rối trước những biến đổi xuất hiện trên cây. Các biến đổi vốn dĩ là dấu hiệu bệnh, dấu hiệu thiếu dưỡng chất của Hoa Hồng. Bài viết […]
