Super Easy Houseplants Even Black Thumbs Can Keep Alive,q_auto:eco,c_fit,w_730,h_487/at%2Farchive%2Fe1bdddf61d4056d914eb251a9b2a52c783246237
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Plants add so much to living spaces, but it’s all moot if you can’t keep them alive. Us black thumbs mean well, of course —bringing home a new plant with every intention of watering and nurturing it along. And then reality happens and, a month later, our new friend is brown and sagging in the corner. You can guard against the possibility of failure by choosing no-fail, tried and true plants that work for even the most neglectful owners.

Here’s a list of tolerant, hardy houseplants that even black thumbs have a hard time knocking off.

Umbrella Plant

Umbrella plants aren’t topping the lists of trendy houseplants these days, but they’re a low-maintenance, easy-to-care-for plant that add graceful foliage to a room. Water these under-appreciated beauties only twice a month and you’ll still have a great looking plant to brighten things up.

Jade Plants

Jade plants are cheery little succulents, fun to look at and easy to grow, which makes them a great plant for beginner growers. With a little practice, you can even propagate them for super cute gifts. There are ton of varieties that all look quite different from each other. Fun fact: two of those varieties are named Gollum and Hobbit, after — you guessed it — characters from the Lord of the Rings series.

Rubber Plants

If you are looking for a new plant hero to transform your interior, without demanding too much of your time, consider one of these dark green rock stars. You can either keep them on the smaller side, or encourage them to grow into beautiful indoor trees. They can grow to impressive heights within a few years — especially if you put them outside during the summer —transforming into an amazing focal point for your interior.

Snake Plants

Snake plants, also know as mother-in-law’s tongue or sansevieria, have become increasingly popular, and rightly so. With their striking lines and hardiness, they’re the houseplants even black thumbs can show off, and look especially good in mid-century, minimalist homes. As a bonus: they also act as air purifiers to improve your home’s air quality.


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