- Nguồn: [Ebook] The Houseplant Handbook: Basic Growing Techniques and a Directory of 300 Everyday Houseplants – David Squire
- Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 02/2022)
- Dịch: Team Codai.net
- Agave americana (American Aloe, Century Plant, Maguey): Succulent with a rosette of thick, sword-shaped, saw-edged, gray-green leaves. ‘Variegata,’ with wide yellow bands along the edges of the leaves, is usually grown indoors.
- Astrophytum ornatum (Star Cactus): Gray, 8-ribbed, globular body, becoming cylindrical with darker markings and bands of white scales. Stout, amber-colored spines. Pale-yellow flowers appear in summer on mature plants.
- Echeveria harmsii (Mexican Snowball, Red Echeveria): Has a branching nature and lance-shaped succulent leaves that form large, loose rosettes. Clusters of scarlet, bell-shaped flowers with yellow tips in early summer.
- Espostoa lanata (Snowball Cactus): Eventually a large and tree-like cactus, but in cultivation usually 12in (30cm) high. Plants become covered with white, woolly hairs and spines.
- Lithops optica (Flowering Stone, Living Stone, Stoneface Mimicry Plant): Low-growing succulent with gray-green body and deep central cleft. Initially solitary, but later forms colonies. White, daisy-like flowers on short stems during late autumn and early winter.
- Lobivia jajoiana (Cob Cactus): Sometimes sold as Echinopsis marsoneri, this desert cactus has an almost cylindrical green body with short, pale red and black spines. Claret-colored, short-lived flowers with black throats, 2in (5cm) wide, in summer.
- Opuntia scheeri (Prickly Pear): Slow-growing desert cactus. Flattened, pad-like stems are 6in (15cm) long and 2in (5cm) wide, bluish-green, somewhat oblong ,and covered with golden spines and yellowish-brown barbed bristles.
- Pachycereus marginatus (Organ Pipe Cactus): Earlier known as Lemaireocereus marginatus, this usually forms a column with prominent ribs packed with areoles that form a white line down the plant.
- Rhipsalis baccifera (Mistletoe Cactus): also known as Rhipsalis cassutha, this forest cactus produces pale-green stems and round, white fruits.
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