- Nguồn: [Ebook] The Houseplant Handbook: Basic Growing Techniques and a Directory of 300 Everyday Houseplants – David Squire
- Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 02/2022)
- Dịch: Team Codai.net
Croton, Joseph’s Coat, Variegated Laurel: Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum

Evergreen perennial with a range of dazzling colors on leathery leaves that vary in shape and pattern. In greenhouses, these plants reach 8–10ft (2.4–3m) high, but are superb for decorating homes when young and in small pots. The range includes ‘Bravo’ (green splashed with yellow), ‘Carrierei’ (yellow-green leaves maturing to reveal red centers), ‘Disraeli’ (slender mid-green leaves blotched creamy yellow), and ‘Mrs. Iceton’ (oval, black-green leaves marked between the veins with red and pink).
Height: 1 ½–2ft (45–60cm) range |
Spread: 1–1 ½ft (30–45cm) range |
Winter: 55–59°F (13–15°C). Full sun, or direct light without full sun |
Summer: 59–64°F (15–18°C). Direct light without full sun |
Care: In winter, keep compost barely moist; in summer, water more freely but ensure compost is well drained, and feed every 2–3 weeks. Repot in spring when roots fill the pot, usually every year when young. |
Propagation: Take 3in (7.5cm) cuttings during spring or early summer. Place in 75°F (24°C). |
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