Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English PALM Bellmore sentry palm Howea forsteriana aka kentia palm, thatch palm Bring a touch of the tropics to your living space with this elegant, architectural palm. Endemic to Lord Howe Island in Australia, it […]
Thư mục: Phân tông Linospadicinae
Chi Adiantum, Chi Aspidistra, Chi Asplenium (Phyllitis) - Chi Tổ Điểu, Chi Calathea (Goeppertia) - Chi Đuôi Công, Chi Chlorophytum - Chi Dây Nhện, Chi Crassula, Chi Dieffenbachia - Chi Môn Trường Sinh, Chi Dracaena - Chi Huyết Giác, Chi Ficus - Chi Sung, Chi Howea, Chi Nephrolepis, Chi Rhapis, Chi Spathiphyllum, Ebook The Kew Gardener's Guide to: Growing houseplant - Kay Maguire
[Ebook Việt Hoá] The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant: PROJECT 11: NATURAL AIR FRESHENERS
Nguồn: Ebook The Kew Gardener’s Guide to: Growing houseplant – Kay Maguire Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Happy Nguyen English PROJECT 11: Natural air fresheners Studies have shown that many house plants can boost physical health and well-being by improving the air quality in our homes. Their leaves and stems soak up the harmful toxins […]