- Nguồn: [Ebook] The Houseplant Handbook: Basic Growing Techniques and a Directory of 300 Everyday Houseplants – David Squire
- Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 02/2022)
- Dịch: Team Codai.net
Variegated Canary Island Ivy: Hedera canariensis ‘Gloire de Marengo’

Earlier known as Hedera canariensis ‘Variegata’ and currently as Hedera algeriensis ‘Gloire de Marengo,’ this hardy, resilient evergreen climber has large, slightly lobed green leaves with dominant silvery-gray centers, merging to white at the edges.
Height: 5–8ft (1.5–2.4m) in an indoor pot |
Spread: Climber |
Winter: 35–45°F (2–7°C); avoid high temperatures. Direct light without full sun, or indirect light |
Summer: 45–50°F (7–10°C); avoid high temperatures. Indirect light |
Care: In winter, keep compost lightly moist; in summer, water freely and feed every 2–3 weeks. Repot in spring when roots fill the pot, usually every 3 years. Top-dress large plants. |
Propagation: Take 3–4in (7.5–10cm) stem cuttings or tip cuttings in midsummer. Place in 59–64°F (15–18°C). |
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