- Nguồn: [Ebook] The Houseplant Handbook: Basic Growing Techniques and a Directory of 300 Everyday Houseplants – David Squire
- Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 02/2022)
- Dịch: Team Codai.net
Other Flowering Houseplants
- Allamanda cathartica (Golden Trumpet): climber with golden-yellow flowers during summer amid long, leathery, glossy green leaves. Several superb cultivars, including ‘Hendersonii’ (large, orange-yellow flowers) and ‘Grandiflora’ (pale-yellow flowers).
- Brunfelsia pauciflora (Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow): earlier known as Brunfelsia calycina, this evergreen shrub has mid-green, shiny leaves and fragrant, violet-purple flowers with white throats from spring to autumn.

- Crossandra infundibuliformis (Firecracker Flower): earlier known as Crossandra undulifolia, this evergreen shrub has wavy-edged, dark-green leaves and clusters of orange-red flowers from spring to autumn.
- Gardenia jasminoides (Cape Jasmine): earlier known as Gardenia augusta, this tender evergreen shrub has highly fragrant, waxy white flowers, 3in (7.5cm) wide, from early to late summer.
- Ixora coccinea (Flame of the Woods, Burning Love, Jungle Geranium): evergreen shrub with large heads, up to 4in (10cm) across, packed with tubular flowers in red, pink, salmon, yellow, or white throughout summer.
- Justicia carnea (King’s Crown, Brazilian Plume, Paradise Plant): earlier known as Jacobinia carnea, this evergreen shrub has plume-like heads of pink, tubular flowers in late summer and early autumn.
- Mandevilla splendens: earlier known as Diplandenia splendens, this twining, evergreen shrub bears 6–8in (15–20cm) clusters of rose-pink, trumpet-shaped flowers from early to late summer, sometimes into early autumn.
- Plumbago auriculata (Cape Leadwort): earlier known as Plumbago capensis, this evergreen climber has star-shaped, tubular, sky-blue flowers during summer and into autumn.

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