- Nguồn: [Ebook] The Houseplant Handbook: Basic Growing Techniques and a Directory of 300 Everyday Houseplants – David Squire
- Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 02/2022)
- Dịch: Team Codai.net
- Acaricide: Chemical used to kill mites, such as red spiders
- Acid: Soils and composts with pH below 7.0
- Aerial roots: Roots appearing from a stem above soil/compost level, e.g., Philodendrons, Monstera deliciosa (Swiss Cheese Plant), ivies and some orchids
- Air layering: Method of propagating single-stemmed houseplants, such as Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant)
- Alkaline: Soils and composts with pH above 7.0
- Annual: Plant that completes its life cycle in a single year – seeds germinate, plants grow and produce flowers within one growing season
- Anther: Part of a stamen, the male reproductive part of a flower
- Aphids: Often known as greenfly, they cluster on stems, shoots, leaves, and flowers, sucking sap and causing damage
- Areole: Unique to cacti, they are modified side-shoots in the form of small, cushion-like, usually raised areas; spines or hairs develop from them
- Asexual: Non-sexual, sometimes used to refer to vegetative propagation, e.g., cuttings and division
- Axil: Junction between leaf and stem, from where flower stems and side-shoots may develop
- Biennial: Plant that makes its initial growth during one year and only flowers during the following year
- Bleeding: Loss of sap from some plants after they are cut
- Bloom: Two meanings: either a flower or a powdery covering
- Bonsai: Art of growing dwarfed shrubs and trees in small containers
- Bottle gardening: Growing plants indoors in enclosed environments created by large glass jars, e.g., carboys
- Bottom heat: Warming of rooting mixture from below to encourage rapid root development
- Botrytis: Fungal disease also known as gray mold
- Bract: Modified leaf associated with flowers; some act as protection for a flower, others take the place of petals to become the main attraction, e.g., Euphorbia pulcherrima (Poinsettia)
- Bud: Tightly packed, immature shoot or flower
- Bulb: Food storage organ with a bud-like structure formed of fleshy scales attached at their bases to a basal plate, e.g., tulip
- Bulbil: Immature miniature bulb, usually at the base of a bulb; some plants – e.g., Asplenium bulbiferum (Mother Fern) – have small plantlets on their leaves that are known as bulbils
- Cactus: (plural: cacti) Succulent plants belonging to Cactaceae family; characterized by having areoles
- Calcicole: Plant that likes lime
- Calcifuge: Plant that dislikes lime
- Calyx: Protective outer ring of flower parts, usually green
- Capillary action: Passage of water upward through soil/potting compost: the finer the soil particles, the higher the rise of moisture (the same principle is used in self-watering systems)
- Carboy: Large, round or pear-shaped glass bottle used as a container for plants
- Cladode: Modified, flattened stem that takes the form and function of a leaf
- Compost: Two meanings: the medium in which plants grow when in pots (known as potting soil in North America); material produced after decomposition of vegetable waste, which is then dug into the soil or used as a mulch
- Corm: Swollen stem bases often classified with bulbs, but structurally different, e.g., crocuses, freesias
- Crock: Piece of broken clay pot put in the base of a clay pot to prevent the drainage hole from becoming blocked
- Cultivar: Plant produced in cultivation and indicating a “cultivated variety.” Earlier, all variations, whether produced naturally in the wild or within cultivation, were known as “varieties”
- Cutting: Vegetative method of increasing plants, by which a severed piece of a parent plant is encouraged to develop roots
- Damping off: Disease that usually attacks seedlings soon after germination
- Dead heading: Removal of dead or faded flowers to keep a plant tidy and encourage further flower development
- Dibber: Rounded gardening tool for making holes; used for pricking out seedlings and inserting cuttings in seed-trays and pots
- Division: Vegetative method of propagation involving root division
- Epiphyte: Plant that grows on another but is not parasitic, e.g., some orchids and bromeliads
- Fern: Perennial, flowerless plant that produces spores
- Foliar feed: Fertilizer applied to foliage
- Fronds: Leaves of a fern or palm
- Fungicide: Chemical used to combat fungal diseases
- Genus: Group of plants with similar botanical characteristics; within a genus are one or more species, each with slightly different characteristics
- Germination: Process that occurs within a seed when given adequate moisture, air, and warmth; the seed-coat ruptures and a seed-leaf grows upward toward the light while a root develops and grows downward (to most gardeners, germination is when they see seed-leaves appearing through the surface of compost/soil)
- Glochid: Small, hooked hair that grows on some cacti
- Heel: Pieces of older wood attached to the base of some half-ripe (semi-mature, semi-hardwood) cuttings, which need to be trimmed to remove whisker-like growths
- Humidity: Amount of moisture in the atmosphere – the higher the temperature, the more moisture air retains
- Insecticide: Chemical that kills insects
- Loam: Mixture of sand, clay, silt, and decomposed organic material
- Mist-spraying: Using a sprayer to create a fine mist of clean water around plants to increase humidity
- Neutral: Neither acid nor alkaline
- Node: Leaf joint or position where a shoot grows from a stem or main branch
- Offset: Young plant that arises naturally around its parent, e.g., some bromeliads, bulbs, and Houseleeks (sempervivums)
- Peat: Partly decomposed vegetable material, usually acid, often used in potting and seed composts
- Pesticide: Chemical compound for killing insects and other pests
- Petiole: Leaf-stalk
- pH: Logarithmic scale used to define the acidity or alkalinity of soil. Chemically, neutral is 7.0, with figures above indicating increasing alkalinity, and below increasing acidity. Most plants grow well at 6.5
- Plantlet: An offset produced on a plant’s leaves or stems
- Pot bound: When a plant fills its container with roots and has no further room in which they can grow; it is usually repotted at this stage
- Potting-on: Transfer of an established plant from one pot to another
- Potting soil: American term for potting compost
- Potting-up: Transfer of a young plant from a seed-tray into a pot
- Pricking-out: Transfer of seedlings from a seed-tray into another seed-tray or pot to give them more space
- Propagation: Raising of new plants
- Repotting: Moving a plant that fills its existing pot with roots into a larger one
- Rhizome: Horizontal stems, underground or partly above; may be slender (Lily-of-the-Valley) or thick and corrugated (Bearded Irises)
- Root ball: The potting compost in which a houseplant grows, together with its roots
- Seed leaf: First leaf (sometimes two) appearing after germination
- Seedling: Young plant with a single, unbranched stem, produced after a seed germinates
- Sharp sand: Sometimes known as concreting sand, it has particles with a sharp nature to ensure good drainage and aeration
- Species: Group of plants that breed together and have the same characteristics. Species belong to a genus, which can be formed of one or more species. Within a species, there may be several cultivars
- Stigma: Female part of a flower that receives pollen from the male part
- Succulent: Any plant with thick, fleshy leaves
- Top-dressing: Removal of compost from the surface of plants in large containers and replacing it with fresh compost. Plants are usually top-dressed because they are too large to be repotted into fresh compost and a larger pot
- Urn: Leaves at the center of bromeliads that form “vases” through which plants can be watered and fed
- Variety: see Cultivar
- Vegetative propagation: Method of increasing plants, including division of roots, layering, and taking cuttings
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