Danh sách các bài viết có Thẻ: Sphagnum moss

[Ebook Việt Hóa] Cây trồng trong nhà: Hướng dẫn chọn và chăm sóc cây trồng trong nhà – Lisa Eldred Steinkopf – IV – Lighting and Specialties (Ánh sáng và các loại cây đặc thù)

  Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Dịch: Thu Hà   English Placing your plant in the correct light is one of the most important factors of successful indoor gardening. Since plants make their own nutrients in conjunction with the sun, the source of light is of optimum importance. The act of taking light, water, and […]

[Ebook] Indoor Gardening Houseplants 2016 USA Magazine – XVI – Delectable Citrus (Cây thuộc chi Cam, canh Ngon lành)

Dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH ENJOY JUICY FRESH ORANGES, LEMONS, AND OTHER CITRUS FRUITS FROM YOUR OWN POTTED TREES. PHOTOGRAPHERS: DEAN SCHOEPPNER AND DENNY SCHROCK Yes, you can grow citrus trees indoors, and dwarf varieties are particularly well-suited to pot culture. Worthy candidates for homegrown citrus include calamondin, kumquat, Clementine tangerine, Mexican (Key) lime, ‘Meyer’ lemon, […]

[Ebook] Indoor Gardening Houseplants 2016 USA Magazine – XI – Easy Orchids (Các loại Hoa Lan dễ trồng)

Dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH EVEN NOVICE GARDENERS CAN MASTER THE ART OF GROWING ORCHIDS. THIS HANDY GUIDE SHOWS YOU HOW. PHOTOGRAPHER: PETE KRUMHARDT These four groups of orchids—Cattleya, Phaiocalanthe, Paphiopedilum, and Phalaenopsis—are among the orchids that are easiest to grow. Most orchids thrive in or near an east-facing window. Western or southern exposure with a sheer curtain also provides appropriate […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Urn plant (Aechmea fasciata)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Urn plant (Aechmea fasciata) is a big (2 to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide), bold, extremely attractive bromeliad with an astonishingly bright, shocking pink inflorescence. Its numerous 18 to 36-inch-long, 2-inch-wide, stiff and leathery leaves are silver with gray-green bands. Some cultivars have creamy […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Tillandsia

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Mai Nhung ENGLISH Tillandsia is a large genus of small, primarily rootless wonders that are grown as house- plants pinned, tied, or glued onto slabs of bark, branches, or driftwood, and then hung on a wall or suspended in mid-air. The exception is pink quill (T. cyanea), which […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Queen’s tears (Billbergia nutans)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Queen’s tears (Billbergia nutans) is so beautiful and so easy to grow, it is no wonder it is such a popular houseplant. Plants grow 16 to 18 inches tall and 30 inches wide and are par- ticularly attractive in a hanging pot or basket, where the […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Neoregelia (Neoregelia carolinae)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH These bromeliads are grown primarily for their very showy and colorful foliage. Neorege- lia carolinae is the most commonly cultivated species. Plants are 2 feet wide and half as tall, flat-topped, with a rosette of 1.5-inch-wide, 12-inch-long, strap-shaped leaves striped like ribbon candy with creamy white. […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Guzmania (Guzmania lingulata)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Floral bracts in a wide array of colors—flaming scarlet, red, pink, orange, lavender, or yellow— form a globular inflorescence that stands above the handsome, glossy leaves of this popular bro- meliad. Guzmania plants (Guzmania lingulata,G. sanguinea, and numerous hybrids) are about 10 inches tall and […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] What’s wrong with my houseplant?: Flaming sword (Vriesea splendens)

Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh Người dịch: Huyền Nguyễn ENGLISH Flaming sword (Vriesea splendens) is a brome- liad common in garden centers, supermarkets, and big box stores. It’s a popular houseplant both for its impressive, bright red inflores- cence and for its colorful leaves, whose alter- nating cross-wise bands of maroon and silvery green look […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] Plant parenting – LESLIE F. HALLECK (Nhân giống cây) – GROWING MEDIA (Giá thể trồng cây)

Nguồn: [Ebook Việt Hoá] Plant parenting: Easy ways to make more houseplants, vegetables, and flowers – LESLIE F. HALLECK (Nhân giống cây: Những cách dễ nhất để nhân giống cây cảnh trong nhà, rau và hoa) Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 08/20201) Dịch: Huyền Nguyễn English When buying or mixing your own potting soil or soilless […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] Plant parenting – LESLIE F. HALLECK (Nhân giống cây) – STEM CUTTINGS (Giâm chồi, ngọn)

Nguồn: [Ebook Việt Hoá] Plant parenting: Easy ways to make more houseplants, vegetables, and flowers – LESLIE F. HALLECK (Nhân giống cây: Những cách dễ nhất để nhân giống cây cảnh trong nhà, rau và hoa) Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 08/20201) Dịch: Huyền Nguyễn English When it comes to plant cloning, you’ll probably take more […]

[Ebook Việt Hoá] Happy Houseplants – Angela Staehling (Cây Cảnh Trong Nhà Hạnh Phúc) – Lemon Button Fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia ‘Duffii’)

Nguồn: [Ebook Việt Hoá] Happy Houseplants: 30 Lovely varieties to brighten up your home – Angela Staehling  (Cây Cảnh Trong Nhà Hạnh Phúc: 30 loại cây đáng yêu làm bừng sáng nhà bạn)  Biên tập: Dũng Cá Xinh (Tháng 08/20201) Dịch: Huyền Nguyễn English • Nephrolepis cordifolia ‘Duffii’ • The lemon button fern, also known […]
